Saturday, February 24, 2007

'Stubby' and Sunburn

February 24, 2007

Second morning in paradise... I woke up to a beautiful sunrise (still trying to recover from my jetlag) and took a run through downtown Pago Pago while everyone else was still sleeping. The volunteers met at the hut late morning to put the finishing touches on the hospital- we are pretty much ready to go full speed Monday morning. I am told the goal this year is to spay/neuter 1,000 pets in 3 weeks!
We spent the rest of the day snorkeling, swimming, and getting sunburned! (note to self: not only do you have to pack sunscreen, but you actually have to apply it to skin!) Julie and Becky are bronzed, and I, sadly, am bright red.. Our lagoon has a sickly coral reef but I did manage to see some cool fish. I missed seeing the sea turtle though- maybe he will be back tomorrow. We trekked to the 'Young Mart' and stocked up on Vailima because the stores will be closed on Sunday (wouldn't want to risk getting dehydrated). Later tonight there will be a special dinner by our bat-shaped pool with fire dancers and traditional Samoan dancers.

Julie making friends with "Stubby", hopefully he will be our first patient!

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